Hero photograph
Photo supplied by Chrissi Pettit
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Mount Aspiring College —

Senior MAC students James Watson and Elsa Buckley were members of a panel discussing 'The Tipping Point: Getting action on climate change’ at the Wānaka Festival of Colour Aspiring Conversations event.

Senior MAC students James Watson and Elsa Buckley were members of a panel at a session discussing 'The Tipping Point: Getting action on climate change’ at last weekend’s Wānaka Festival of Colour Aspiring Conversations event.

Elsa Buckley says she’s always had a passion for the climate and wanted to add her perspective to the discussion.

“My main point was simply to urge climate action for the next generations,” she says. “As a 17-year-old I have limited ways to influence the politics that dictate my future, and so I wanted to make clear that youth need climate action because we do not want to inherit a deteriorating world.

“Dr Jim Salinger made it clear in his speech that climate solutions are available and, especially in New Zealand, there are a myriad of ways in which climate action could be taken right now. “So I asked the question, 'why aren’t we doing more?' This issue will affect so many people so far into the future, and it is the responsibility of those who currently hold power to take action.”

Elsa says young people do not bear the responsibility of ‘fixing’ climate change, but they are the ones who will inherit an unhealthy world.

“With the limited influence that we currently have, we must take on the role of advocating for change in the hope that the issue we eventually do inherit and tackle might be reduced, or serious effects might be avoided.”

Congratulations to James and Elsa on demonstrating our school value of kaitiakitanga in their efforts to advocate for the protection of our unique environment through action on climate change.