Hero photograph


Rachel Warne —

A wee note of recognition for all new MAC staff members and all of those who are leaving (both temporarily and permanently!)

This week we are introducing....Kathryn Miller!

Kathryn has come to us from Dunedin where she was Business Manager at St Hilda's Collegiate School for the past three years.

She completed her Accounting degree by correspondence through the Open Polytechnic and has recently gained her Chartered Accountants qualification.
She has three sons, two who are teachers, and is very passionate about Education and enjoys being able to work in the school environment. Kathryn has always loved her camping holidays in Central Otago with family and friends and is excited to be living in Wanaka and being able to further her career at Mount Aspiring College. She enjoys walking, biking, reading, cooking, baking and spending time with family and friends.

Image by: Andrew Miller


Liz Breslin is off to Krakow on a writing residency for three months. She will be missed during her time off but we wish her well on her adventure and look forward to having her back.  Sarah will be manning the SIC department in her absence so be sure to make her feel welcome! 

Do widzenia Liz