Rachel Warne — Dec 2, 2019

The Year 8's have been doing some awesome things here at MAC - from talent quests to trade shows, read and see it all here!


Our Year 8 Teacher's have put together a wee goodbye video to our awesome member of staff, Rochelle Robertson, or "Groover" who will be taking a year's leave in 2020. Check the video out here.


Tuesday's Year 8 Night Market turned out to be a major success and was enjoyed by everyone who attended.

Previous years have portrayed the theme of sugary rubbish wrapped in plastic, but this was completely eliminated and sustainability was evident throughout the market. From recycled and homemade products to environmentally friendly packaging, the Year 8s had it all. The market was set up in and around the science block with stalls selling a wide variety of products, such as lip balm, candles, christmas trees, cordial, crafts and confectionery.

All students are giving 50% of their profits to the local charity Food for Love. Around $1,800 will be donated to the charity to thank and support them with their amazing kindness and help towards others.

Students and staff alike are exceptionally proud of the hard work that went into the night and their amazing accomplishments during the sale. Many parents commented on the wonderful products on offer and how the students created such an environmentally focused, sustainable event.

The Year 8 Night Market will definitely take place next year, so keep your eyes and ears open for that. The year 8 students would like to give an enormous thank you to all teachers that helped to make the night such a success. A tremendous thanks also needs to be given to every family member and friend who made the night possible by buying the products. But the Year 8's themselves have something to be very, very proud of.

By Amy Benson


A huge congratulations to all of the Year 8 Students for their awesome achievements. They raised a significant amount of money for Food For Love. 
Well done to all students and staff involved.