Hero photograph
David Baker working with our students at rehearsals for Legally Blonde Jr
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Arts Department —

This week we recognise some incredible and humble heroes in our community who do so much to support our performing arts students.

The performing cast and production crew for the Legally Blonde Junior musical are working tirelessly to rehearse scenes and create all the production elements. All akonga are demonstrating focus, commitment and determination to prepare a high-quality performance for May. The Performing Arts Department would like to take a moment to highlight some incredible humble heroes in our community and the immense work they do for us and our students. This community connection enriches the student's learning experience and allows staff to benefit and learn from their expertise. Kathryn Liggins is a long-time supporter of costume and our entertainment technology students' coursework. She has given huge numbers of hours to students over the years. She has worked on many school productions and musicals in the past. Her ability to take complete beginners and have them sewing full costumes in a matter of weeks is incredible.

Kathryn Liggins is a long-time supporter of costume and our entertainment technology students' coursework — Image by: Mount Aspiring College

David Baker is another long-time supporter of our school performances, giving countless hours to support musical preparation and vocal training, and being a wonderful rehearsal pianist. He has willingly given many hours to ensure students have extra support and opportunity.

We have also had another musical expert join our whānau this year, Janene Weatherly who has been supporting vocal coaching of students mastering complex songs.

The community workshop has also made wonderful new staging for the work. We are so grateful for their support and very efficient make.

A massive thank you to Fyfe Karamaena Law who has come onboard as a ‘Supreme Court’ sponsor. We are very grateful for your contribution. If you are interested in helping our Arts department for the musical or in the future, we have further sponsorship opportunities available and we would love to hear from you. We are also seeking anyone from our community with any industry knowledge to help backstage, on set, and hair and makeup. Please contact our arts team on hewsonwilliamsj@mtaspiring.school.nz to see how you can help.

We are so incredibly grateful for these kind volunteers and the support they give the Performing Arts Department to provide real-world learning for our students. We have been so lucky to have many wonderful parents and friends support us over the years. If you wish to contact us about becoming involved in future Performing Arts and Visual Arts Projects, please email Arts Coordinator Joanna Hewson-Williams: hewsonwilliamsj@mtaspiring.school.nz

Image by: Mount Aspiring College