Hero photograph
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Health —

As part of the New Zealand Health and Physical Education curriculum, we cover age-appropriate sexuality education through a unit of work called Navigating the Journey. Through Term Two, Year 7 to Year 10 students will be participating in this programme. Each week, an overview of the forthcoming lessons will be available here.


Year 7:

Week 6: Assertiveness and decision making

Week 7: Pubertal changes and body image

Year 8:

Week 6: Sexual orientation.Diversity in relationships. Discuss discrimination and identify ways to challenge discrimination. Intimacy. Consent. What does it mean? What does it look like? Assertiveness and decision making https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vmsfhw-czA


Week 7: Intimacy, consent and decision making

Year 9:

Week 6: Different ways of communicating: recognise how non verbal communication is important and may differ between groups. Discuss the pitfalls of social media in communicating with others. Recognise passive, aggressive and assertive behaviours and ways of communicating. Practice negotiation skills within a relationship. Asking out, turning down and breaking up. Develop respectful communication strategies when asking someone out. Explore respectful ways to turn someone down. Identify behaviours that are ok and not ok when breaking up.

Week 7: Sexual relationships. Understand that not everyone is having sex. Explore terms related to having sex. Explore and describe diverse attitudes and values about sex. explain reasons for people choosing to have or not to have sexual relationships

Year 10:

Week 6: Relationship challenges: Identify unhealthy aspects in relationships and develop strategies to respond to pressure and challenges. Recognise their gut instincts and feelings can support their decision making in a relationship and in identifying what to do next. Identify behaviours that are ok and not ok when breaking up. Identify strategies to support themselves during and after a break up and those that can provide support. #ThatsNotLove campaign.

Week 7: Consent: Explore concepts about consent and identity, what giving and receiving consent looks like. Identify people and organisations they can go to if they or someone they know experiences sexual assault. Explore contexts of sexual pressure.