Hero photograph
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Maia Bennett —

See below for news and updates happening in the library.

Kia ora,

Thank you to those families who ordered from Scholastic Book Club. We have used the points earned through your purchases towards buying another set of The Wings of Fire graphic novels. These graphic novels (and the books on which they are based) are always super popular with our younger cohort.

Image by: Mount Aspiring College

Remember that all students (and staff) can use their MAC email login to access eBooks and Audiobooks through our MAC ePlatform. There is a link on our library homepage, library.mtaspiring.school.nz, or download and install the Wheelers ePlatform app on to your device (from your usual app provider), select Mount Aspiring College Library, and sign in using your MAC email login.

Happy reading!

Ngā mihi,
