Hero photograph
Photo by Mount Aspiring College


Librarian —

We have had a great response to our recruitment campaign for student librarians.

Kia ora

We have been really pleased with the number of students using the library at break times as a place to quietly read and play chess and other games.

We have had a great response to our recruitment campaign for student librarians with lots of students applying for these roles which are vital to the successful running of our school library. We will be organising the roster and letting students know the outcome of their applications in the next week.

A reminder that students and staff can always access our MAC eBook and eAudiobook collection using their MAC email address. Access through the link on our library homepage, library.mtaspiring.school.nz, or download and install the Wheelers ePlatform app, select Mount Aspiring College Library, and then sign in using their MAC email address.

Image by: Mount Aspiring College

Ngā mihi,
