Wayne Bosley — Aug 21, 2019

Weekly update from Wayne Bosley.

Kia ora tātou, 

Welcome to our new look newsletter that will continue to be emailed to parents and students on a Thursday afternoon. As this is our first one, we welcome any feedback, thoughts and improvements that you think we can make moving forward. 

Firstly, I would like to thank parents and students for participating in our options expo last week. Our format was new with all learning areas having the opportunity to address parents and students before being available to answer questions as well as providing our usual clarification forums for students entering Years 11-13 and NCEA. Final option choices for all Year 8-12 students are due tomorrow.

One of the most important student leadership roles in a secondary school is the student representative on the Board of Trustees. Bronson Toghill currently holds this position and has always offered a student perspective, which is incredibly valuable to all strategic discussions around the board table. He has made himself available to listen to the views of other students and bring them to the attention of the board and school management.

Nationally secondary schools are seeking a new student representative to take on the role from September 2019 to September 2020. The five students featured below have been nominated by their peers as candidates for that position. I am most grateful to each of them for their interest in seeking this role: The election process is outlined below:

This position is unique to schools as only students can vote. Our students have always made discerning choices and as such have been well represented at board level. A huge thank you to Bronson for being an excellent and valued BOT Student Rep for 2019. 

Thank you 
