Principal Nicola Jacobsen shares her thoughts.
Kia ora,
It’s been a special week at the school with the landscaping project complete. The middle of the school, where the old administration building was, is now an open space with seating, and creates a really striking entry to the whare. There is provision for shade sails to be put up - creating more shade in the summer months. Students (and staff) have enjoyed being able to walk easily through the campus. The canteen is back to normal operations.
The work for the Schools to Pool route is almost complete. I am grateful to the QLDC and the Wānaka Community Board for this initiative, and for creating two pedestrian crossings on Plantation Road. It has created a much safer environment, particularly at the end of the school day.
The student-led Wellbeing Committee has been busy this week in preparation for Pink Shirt Day on 17 May. The Committee, led by Alexis-Sofia Harvey-Wills, has presented at each of the House Assemblies on the importance of Pink Shirt Day and the history of it. Pink Shirt Day will be a non-uniform day, and students are encouraged to wear pink in support of being an upstander, showing support for their peers, and being kind to one another.
I am looking forward to seeing the musical next week, Legally Blonde JR. All the very best to the cast, crew, and teacher and parent volunteers involved.
Toitū te whenua, toitū te tangata.
The land is strong, the people are fulfilled.
Ngā mihi
Nicola Jacobsen