Hero photograph
Photo by MAC



Here we showcase relevant information to keep your mind happy and your body healthy.

By posting information in the newsletter each week, the PE and Health department hope that we will encourage caregivers to have open and honest conversations around the issues that affect and support our young peoples' wellbeing.

This term, the Health department is delivering Mindfulness lessons to the junior classes.

Mindfulness this week

Year 8: Looking after worry and anxiety. Handling unhelpful thoughts and how stress affects the body.

Year 9: Pause, Breathe, Smile...Everything is connected to everything else.

  1. Understand that mindfulness is about relationships

  2. See how we are connected to the earth and to many other things. Recommended watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ15cqP-K8

Year 10 Befriending the Difficult

For students to understand stress: where it comes from, why it is necessary, how it works and the potentially harmful effects. To identify their stress signature...where in the body do they feel stress. Learn to respond rather than react, by 'turning towards' and 'being with' difficult emotions.