Nicola Jacobsen — Mar 7, 2024

Principal Nicola Jacobsen shares her thoughts.

Kia ora

I am looking forward to the Parent-Teacher meetings, which are being held over the next two weeks, and are a chance to catch up with current parents and meet parents who are new to the College.

Zoe Laws, our student representative on the school board, has prepared a student voice survey for students to complete. The survey asks for comments around the uniform, leadership opportunities, resources and facilities, as well as any other information that would be helpful. This is an excellent initiative, and students should check their school email accounts for information on how to complete the survey.

Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to visit a number of classes and see what students are learning about. It has been really insightful to talk to students about their projects and their learning: in Physics, at a lesson on nuclear waste where students were thinking about the ethics of disposing of nuclear waste. It has been great to talk to students in the Business Enterprise course about how they select their business idea and can respond to the needs of their target market. In Psychology, students have to present a project, in their own way, on an ethical issue. It has been great to talk to the Visual Arts students about how they select their theme for the year, and the focus their portfolio of work will have. I am impressed with the commitment of students to their learning, and the different ways in which teachers engage students in their learning.

Congratulations to the students involved in the South Island Secondary Schools Rowing - I appreciate that the Wānaka Rowing Club supports students at the college with coaching, great facilities and experiences. Congratulations to the team, and in particular:

It has been great to see how well students have adapted to the mobile phone regulations and how well students are wearing the uniform. The new blazers, which are an optional item, are looking great. As the weather changes, a reminder that hoodies are not part of the uniform, and that only uniform trousers are to be worn. We do have, through the Parents and Friends of MAC, help with acquiring second-hand, good-quality uniform. Please get in touch with the College if you have any questions about the uniform and/or would like some support with the purchase of uniform items.

Toitū te whenua, toitū te tangata.

The land is strong, the people are fulfilled.

Ngā mihi

Nicola Jacobsen