Hero photograph
Photo by Bob Tulloch

From the Principal

Alastair Sinton - Principal —

Last week at our Year 9 assembly I was reflecting on the term so far. I was on stage looking out at the students that were filing into the hall, politely and respectfully, and taking note of the students that I had seen representing our school in arts, sports and academic competitions in recent weeks. It is impossible to attend everything but I am always so very proud of our students who take our school values and touchstones and live them every day. I had to take a moment and thank those that commit so much to our school outside the classroom.

The experiences, friendships and learning that students develop in these settings not only support their performance in school but help them navigate the future with confidence. Students that engage in pro-social activities help to positively shape the culture of a school, and I want to thank those students and the families that support them.

I would also like to acknowledge our student leaders who spoke at assemblies last week, sharing their understanding of our school touchstone ‘Character’. These students will often speak about their journey to leadership, openly sharing the ups and downs of their lives with assemblies. Their own character shines through when they speak, and we are extremely grateful for their contribution.

With Senior Assessment Week and Winter Tournament upon us, it is a timely reminder for staff, students and families to keep an open dialogue around student achievement so we can maximise the achievement outcomes for each student as we move into this important and busy time of the year. As families, it is crucial that you check-in with your child’s progress and if you have any areas of concern to get in touch with their teacher or dean as soon as possible. All problems are easier to solve if we are aware of them sooner rather than later.

Lastly, a final thank you to all parents, family, community members who have supported our students through the winter sports, arts and cultural programmes. The coaching, managing, driving, cleaning, feeding, fixing and moral support is valued by all of us here at the college and we are always mindful that we would not be the great school we are without you.

Ngā mihi nui
Alastair Sinton