Hero photograph
Photo by Bob Tulloch

From the Principal

Alastair Sinton - Principal —

E ngā reo, e ngā waka, e ngā mana, tēnā koutou katoa

The fundamental purpose of what we do at Mount Maunganui College is teaching and learning. While this may seem obvious, how often do we as a community take time and reflect on what teaching and learning means and what is its purpose?

In schools, students can feel like they are on a conveyor belt moving, often without agency, to a predetermined outcome. They understand that if they pass 'this' assessment or 'that' examination they will achieve the requisite number of credits to be able to progress along the journey to whichever NCEA level they, their teacher or their families have decided is an appropriate exit point for their secondary education. As adults, we know that having a purpose and understanding of our learning helps improve our engagement with, and retention of, that learning.

With that in mind, our focus at this term is around learning and what this means for our students as participants. Senior leaders, teachers and students will share their perspectives with assemblies to help provide context and meaning for the what and why of teaching and learning.

As families, you can support your children by talking to them about their learning. While it may be challenging for adults to support a child's understanding of complex course content, checking in with them about how confident they are in their learning, how they are coping with their workload and what their relationship is like with teachers and other students can identify any issues before they become a problem. If something does not sound or feel right, I encourage you to make contact with the school either through the teacher or dean to discuss.

In the next newsletter, I will offer some guidance on how families can support students through NCEA.

On another note, I would like to thank Pete Blackwell for his tremendous work in organising and running our Community Ambrose Golf Tournament. It was a fantastic day that was well supported by our wider community with over $11,000 raised for the school.  Thank you to sponsors and players for their contributions and our Parent Support Group for the logistical support around this event.

Mount Maunganui College is always keen to hear from individuals and businesses in the community that are keen to support us. Please contact me directly at principal@mmc.school.nz if there are ways you feel like you or your business could assist.

Ngā mihi nui
Alastair Sinton