Hero photograph
Photo by Bob Tulloch

From the Principal

Alastair Sinton - Principal —

E ngā reo, e ngā waka, e ngā mana, tēnā koutou katoa.

At last week's Board of Trustees meeting, Stuart Taylor decided to not stand for the position of Board of Trustees Chair. After nine years on our Board, six of them as Board Chair, Stuart felt like it was time to step back and allow others the opportunity to move into the role. Stuart will continue to serve the Board of Trustees until the next election.

Mount Maunganui College is deeply indebted to Stuart for his commitment, contribution and leadership. As a tireless advocate for the College, Stuart has seen the school through many significant changes and challenges including roll growth, property, setting strategic plans and supporting the appointment of a new principal and deputy principals. Stuart has always been happy to share his advice and time with the school, and his connections with the broader community have proved invaluable.

The College is pleased to announce that Andrea Webster was nominated and elected by the Board of Trustees as the new Board of Trustees Chair. Andrea has two children currently at the College, and many of you will know her already. The Board are excited about Andrea's appointment, and I know, as a community, we will warmly welcome her to the role.

In other Board of Trustee related news, Damien Harris was elected Deputy Chair with David Weaver stepping down from that role. With Damien's commitment to Mount Maunganui College and experience in education, he will be excellent support for Andrea and the Board. As a former Mount Maunganui College student and a devoted member of our community, I would like to acknowledge David for his ongoing support, and I look forward to continuing our work together into the future. 

Ngā mihi nui
Alastair Sinton