Hero photograph
Photo by Kirsten Hullen

From the Principal


Kia ora koutou, Welcome back to school for 2023; I trust you all had a great break and are ready for the year ahead.

We are already into March and the year is off to a settled and well focussed start. Our Junior students have acclimatized to the demands of secondary school and Seniors have quickly realised that a consistent focus on their studies reaps early results. Currently our Year 10 students are enjoying their annual camp and making the most of our outdoor education opportunities, including the white water rafting experience.

On Thursday the 16th March the school will be closed due to the industrial action of the PPTA. Primary schools have also joined their secondary colleagues in an attempt to resolve the collective dispute.

Parent / Teacher interviews are coming up on Tuesday the 21st and Thursday 23rd of this month. This is an excellent opportunity for whanau to meet with subject teachers and check on progress so far this year. Bookings can be made on the School Interviews website. https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/  The access code for the Tuesday interviews is sff8v and for the Thursday interviews, w87yb.

Another opportunity coming up for our Year 12 young people is the RYDA driver education programme. Students are encouraged to attend this day which provides comprehensive information aimed at keeping them safe, whether as beginning drivers or passengers in their vehicles. This has been supplemented by a new driving simulator which has been donated to the school for students studying to get their driver’s licence.

As always, school continues to be a busy place. I wish you all a successful and rewarding year.

Ngā mihi nui

Kenny Diamond