Hero photograph
Photo by Kirsten Hullen

Parent Teacher Interviews


A reminder that Parent / Subject Teacher interviews are scheduled in the Hiwi Commons for Tuesday 21st March and Thursday 23rd March between 1pm and 7pm. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s progress .

We use an electronic web based booking system for our interviews.

Listed below are the instructions for completing a booking.

Parents can access the website by going to https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ 

The access code for the Tuesday interviews is sff8v and for the Thursday interviews, w87yb. You will be required to input this code. Follow the step by step instructions to book the times that best suit you. You will be required to input your child’s subjects and then select the appropriate teacher from the drop down menu. If you wish to make appointments with the Head of a particular Faculty or Department that is also listed under teaching subjects.

When completed, you will receive a confirmation E-mail and also have the capacity to print the document.

If you do not have internet access at home, you can make your bookings by phoning the front office on 684 7039. You will need to indicate the times that suit you for the interviews. Please ensure you know the names of your child’s teachers before ringing. The bookings will be processed for you and you will receive confirmation either by phone or it will be sent home with your child.

Yours faithfully,

Liz Peters

Deputy Principal