Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Chubb

Science Alive + Renewable Energy = FUN!

Lisa Chubb —

Science Alive visited Team Magma last week and the children learnt all about renewable energy. This connected nicely with our inquiry about clean air when we learnt about how burning fuels can pollute the air. Room 4 have written about what happened in the style of a news report…

Room 4 children were so happy because they got to do Science Alive! Julie from Science Alive came and visited and talked about energy. They went outside and used solar panels! They worked it out in a team trying to make go-karts that were made of lego. They all raged with excitement when they saw the go-karts move!
- By Kate

On Thursday the 19th of October Room 4 was lucky enough to have Science Alive come in and talk to them about power. Some things were harder than others to make but in the end everyone had success. Room 4 learnt about solar panels and electricity, windmills and go-karts.
- By Farah