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Safety First!

Team Magma —

Our first inquiry was We are responsible for our safety. Our key concept was Responsibility and we spent a lot of time focusing on this concept - recognising what Responsibility looks like, sounds like and feels like. To reinforce the concept, every student had to “adopt” an egg for a week, and take responsibility for keeping it safe.

 During the inquiry we focused on different areas of safety, including sun safety, dog safety and cycle safety, and we had visits from the Christchurch City Council Dog Sense and Cycle Safety teams. It was also the ideal time to complete the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme, run by the NZ Police, and each class had several sessions run by Constable Meg, our local police officer.

At the end of the inquiry, teachers and students reflected on the learning that had occurred. It was great to see some “action” as a result of the inquiry (students sun blocking themselves independently, students taking responsibility for staying in the shade and drinking more water on hot days, students showing awareness of dog safety strategies etc). There were lots of highlights for our students. Some students also had ideas for other areas of safety that we could focus on. One area was water safety and that will be a major focus for Team Magma in Term 4 and in Term 1 of 2019.