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Te Kura o Paeraki - Mt Pleasant School

by Chris Nord


Chris Nord - July 17, 2020

Tēnā koutou e nga whānau o te Kura o Paeraki... as we head into Term 3 we look forward to many firsts. The main one being the opening of our new buildings. We have been working with the education committee at Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki Marae) to plan the opening. We are also looking forward to our students enjoying their beautiful new classrooms, our new library - Wahapū - and finally getting into our new hall - Paparahi - for assemblies and all the myriad of events we can now have. We can't wait!

Working Bee Buzz...

On the first Saturday of the break, we held a Working Bee to clean up the site after the build and to get rid of all the accumulated junk post earthquakes. The day may have been gloomy, but the energy and enthusiasm of those that attended certainly was not. In the end, there was not a single piece of the grounds that did not get a good going over.. and the results speak for themselves. We had about 40 parents and some students who turned up to donate their time and expertise to this event and we say a huge thanks to you all. A special thanks must go to George Marsh for his vision and organisational skills to make this happen.

Mihi Whakatau - Grand Opening

We have set the date for the opening of these buildings on Monday the 10th August 2020. At 9:00 am, we will hold a mihi whakatau to open these buildings. A mihi whakatau is a speech (or speeches) of greeting made during an official welcome to acknowledge those gathered together for a particular purpose. 

After this ceremony, all those gathered together will have some refreshments and will be able to have a look around the new facilities.

We are inviting our past and present whānau and the wider community to attend. Please fill out this short AT LAST, IT'S OUR TURN form to RSVP your space at the opening. We would love to see you there supporting us on this important day.

We look forward to an exciting term ahead. Enjoy the rest of your break.

He konā mai

Chris Nord

PH: (03) 384 3994

Cell: 021 384 393