Chris Nord - June 10, 2021
Kia ora koutou
A Discussion Document has been been sent home today for you to share with us your perception of how your child is going at school, their strengths, and what you would like to see developed for the remainder of the year. The purpose is for whānau and teachers to have the opportunity to sit down and have in-depth discussions around your child's progress at school. Where they are at ... and where they are heading. Please fill out the discussion document and send it back to your child’s class teacher by 3:00pm Monday 14 June. This will allow the teacher to prepare thoroughly for your child’s conference.
All bookings will close on Monday 28 June at 10:00am.
Note: Basecamp operates a different conference schedule. Therefore Jane and Sarah will send will send home information regarding their conferences directly to their families.
Parent Conference Booking…
These will be held over three days (from 2:15pm - 8:00pm each day)
Tuesday 29th June
Thursday 1st July
- Tuesday 6th July
What you need to do:
Fill out the Discussion Document and return it to your child's class teacher by 3:00pm Monday 14 June (this has been sent home with your child today - 9 June.)
Go to the School Interviews website and book your conference with the teacher (see details below)
What you need to know…
We use an online booking system for parents to book a suitable time
Each interview is 30 minutes long
The final booking time is 7:30pm each day
It is expected you will book a 30 min slot for each of your children over the three days allocated
We allocate time slots for one interview per child. If you require additional interview sessions, please organise this with the teacher outside of conference times
If you do not have access to the internet, please call the office to book a time
- School will be closed at 2:00pm on each of these days.
- OSCAR will be providing a service for after-school care. Please contact Kath - 021 0222 0877
How to book a conference time:
Step 1 – Log on to
Step 2 – Type this code weweb into the green school code box.
Step 3 – Follow the prompts to select your child’s year level, teacher etc.
Step 4 – Select an available time slot that suits you.
We look forward to seeing you at the conferences.
How to log into your Parent Account:
You are able to view your child’s learning and progress anytime through HERO. Learning portfolios, achieved goals and next steps will be uploaded regularly throughout the year.
Follow THIS link to find out how to access your parent account.