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MPS School Uniform

Ground Control —

Students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their general appearance, read on for the specifics....

Whole School Uniform

Our school uniform is compulsory:

  • Hats to be worn in Terms 1 and 4.
  • Yellow polo shirt.
  • Sports tops are NOT part of the school uniform. These are only to be worn on sports days or when students are representing Mt Pleasant School for sport (not to be worn if they have sports practice after school for instance).
  • If required, a navy long sleeve thermal is permitted underneath the yellow polo shirt.
  • Navy shorts, culottes or pants. Leggings are not acceptable. 
  • Shoes - must be sturdy, practical shoes. Can be trainers.
  • Socks - Black, white or navy socks.

Senior Uniform

Year 7 & 8 students have more options:

  • All year 7 & 8 students are able to wear the senior jacket.
  • Girls also have the option to wear the tartan skirt with the white blouse OR navy culottes, shorts or pants with the yellow polo.

Uniform is available to purchase from Mainland Uniforms.

The only jewellery permitted at school is a watch, stud earrings, and culturally significant items.

Nail polish is not permitted, students will be sent to the Office to get it removed.

Long hair must be appropriately tied back.