Chris Nord - June 30, 2020
The benefits to using Hero for you:
- The Hero app is available to be downloaded from the app store. No need for email.
- School notices and communication will be accessed via community feed – push notifications will alert you to when there is a new message (if you choose to turn this on).
- Hero is designed to reduce the number of places that parents need to check for information about school.
- Parents have exactly the same login details and all accounts transfer from LINC-ED. Even if you visit the school’s old LINC-ED site you will be redirected to Hero.
- Parents and caregivers can log in to their Hero app (even if they have students at multiple schools) and see all their learning stories; assessments; progress data; school notices; pay their school account online … all through one app.
- There is a student app where teachers can post notices for their class or groups that your child is part of.
Privacy and Security is Top Priority...
Your security is our top priority and LINC-ED engages one of New Zealand’s leading independent IT security companies to carry out an annual security audit.
What do you need to do?
We are migrating to HERO on Monday 6 July. Our school will send you a notice via LINC-ED’s community notices on the day that we will be migrated to Hero.
The following day you will be able to access the Hero app. We will notify you via a Hero Community Notice when you can login.
Please click on this link for instructions about how to download the app and to log in and follow the steps. Your email address and password have not changed.
If you are having trouble logging in, please contact Chris Nord at chris@mtpleasant.school.nz.
Many thanks!
Ngā mihi nui,
Chris Nord
Te Kura o Paeraki | Mt Pleasant School