Hero photograph
Photo by Meagan Kelly

Leaders of Tomorrow

Meagan Kelly —

The T@TT of 2018 met this week to discuss leadership, adventure and endless possibilities.

Louise Wilson (T@TT Leader of Learning) and Meagan Kelly (DP) met with the Team at the Top of tomorrow to discuss leadership, adventure and the endless possibilities that come with being a senior at MPS.

At the assembly, they received their Leadership Applications for 2018 and a camp notice. 

Our Year 8s brains are already on the way out the door, with entrance exams, uniform fittings and bus timetables forefront as they think about their transition to high school. It is an exciting and scary time for them, as they leave the comfort and the familiarity of primary school to head into the big, wide world.

The current Year 6s are equally as distracted by their imminent move to T@TT next year. Finally, a senior!

What is the most exciting thing about going into T@TT next year?

The leadership opportunities and the responsibilities. Getting a senior jacket! The teachers are cool and there are lots of trips. Getting better computers! Access to technology and equipment. Being a senior at the school is a great feeling! 

Eva, Phoebe, Aaliyah

I am feeling okay. I am mainly feeling nervous. Camp sounds really cool and my mum has been teaching me a recipe that I can cook at camp. I think I might apply for some leadership positions. It would be interesting to take some time off playing and do some work and I want to be on student council. 


I am really excited about camp, especially that we get to cook our own food. 

~ Arav

Wow, a Year 8! How are you feeling about being the most senior kids in the school?

Excited! Very excited. We will have a lot of responsibility. I feel like people will respect us more now. Feeling a bit panicky as we have more responsibility and I take it quite seriously. 

Blake, Blayz, Jordan

Freaked out, to be honest! Nervous and excited. I used to imagine it when I was little, being a house captain and a school leader.  

~ Anna and Brook

Kind of nervous and excited. I am excited about the leadership opportunities and that we get to use the microwave. Looking at high schools is exciting. 

~ Felix and Louis

Really excited! We get more jobs and responsibilities. We can wear the blouse and the skirt! 

~ Ashleigh and Lily

How will you use your new power?

I will use my responsibility to help other people, the little kids. I will make better choices and be a role model to the younger children. 

~ Blayz, Blake, Jordan

There are lots of leadership opportunities open to you; what  characteristics do you think a school leader needs to have to be successful?

Reliability, responsibiity, curiosity - be interested in what you're doing, respectful, perseverance, kind and friendly. Confident is a must! 

~ Anna and Brook

Committed, principled, a communicator and balanced. 

~ Taj

A bit of respect, independence and a communicator. If you do a job and you don't like it, you need to stay committed. 

~ Louis

Be open minded to other people's ideas. You definitely have to committed because there's quite a lot of responsibility. 

~ Felix

If you were in charge of the school, what would you do to make school life better for our tamariki?

We could be tutors for the junior school, helping the, understand maths or something. That would help us understand what we're teaching and they would be learning too. 

~ Anna

We need our hall back! That's definitely a priority for me. 

~ Brook

What was the hardest part of transitioning to Year 7 from Year 6?

I felt weird because I had to get these all new, deluxe books. I was ready for the work in Year 7. I could ave worked harder in Year 6, but it's been fine. I was excited about wearing my senior jacket! 

~ Taj

The senior jacket was a highlight. I felt nervous that the work would be harder. 

~ Seb

The hardest part was probably the work, the maths jumped really high. Difficult, but I've got it now. The work changed quite a lot. 

~ Lily 

Changing was the hardest part, moving classrooms, although that's every year. Getting all the jobs and opportunities and being able to do the PYP Exhibition was the most exciting part. 

~ Ashleigh