Hero photograph

Egg Mummies & Egg Daddies

Team Magma —

As part of our inquiry “We are responsible for our safety” Team Magma students have been learning about the concept of responsibility and what that means. To do this they were given the challenge of looking after their very own raw egg for four days and nights. The students in Room 4 were asked to reflect on this task and here are a few of their thoughts…

This is an egg story (well sort of my story as well). The egg is kind of cracked, but I’m alright, yeah, yeah, I’m alright. So let the story begin… I’m Esther and I had to look after an egg for a week, not with a chick inside (but still really really stressful). The most stressful part was that eggs are really easy to crack, because my egg cracked twice! Eggs are really easy to crack is common knowledge but girls are really easy to crack is common dumbness.

~ By Esther

It was very hard looking after my egg. You had to take it everywhere you went! Mine broke because someone knocked him over! I was very sad when he broke. All that hard work then he broke! I sadly put him in the rubbish bin where I had a funeral. It was a very sad funeral.

~ By George

Looking after an egg is tough. You have to get to know where it is and know it is safe. Sadly my egg broke on the third day by falling out of the car! I have learnt that you need to be careful and don’t take too big risks. After looking after my egg I know that being responsible is not always easy!

~ By Zoe

When Carpet(my egg) fell on the kitchen floor I felt very sad. It seemed easy to look after but it wasn’t. I wondered how a bird could look after their eggs.

~ By Isaac