Hero photograph

Sharing the Planet

Sarah Rowe —

In Basecamp we have been learning all about 'Sharing The Planet'. Our Central Idea - "In the living world adults care for their young'.

Our inquiry began at the end of last term when we were lucky enough to visit Arion Farm. This was a great provocation as it gave the children an opportunity to see, touch, feed and have a hands-on experience finding out all about animals and their young.

Basecamp were full of questions and wonderings when we returned. We used these wonderings as a basis for our Term 4 inquiry.Firstly we found out how our adults and parents care for us and how this changes over time. We then looked at life cycles of humans and related this to other animal life cycles.

We have found out how various animals protect and care for their young by building and making nests. It was interesting to use our 'black hat' thinking to think about some of the problems that the animals face building nests in their habitats. We then used our 'green hat' thinking to brainstorm ways that we could help protect and look after some of these animals. We discovered that we need to...

  • Plant more trees
  • Drive carefully when we see Pukeko or animal warning road signs
  • Stop destroying animal habitats
  • Ask cat owners to give their cats a collar with a bell to protect the birds and baby birds

Great thinking Basecamp! 

The photos show the ways Basecamp have been using thinking planners to organise their thinking with a buddy.