Hero photograph
Alex Simmonds

Alex Simmonds ~ Parent Representative

Board of Trustees —

While my family has deep roots in Christchurch, I was born and raised in the Wellington area and first came to live in Christchurch as an Engineering student at Canterbury University in 1997. My wife, Nic, and I returned to Christchurch in 2009 after a number of years overseas during which I worked in France, the UK and South Africa, returning and buying our first house in Christchurch just a month before the Canterbury earthquakes started.

We love an outdoors lifestyle and we are active runners, cyclists and skiers but also love to get out in the outdoors any other opportunity that comes along.

We relocated to this wonderful part of the city in late 2016 and now have both of our kids at Mt Pleasant School, in 2024 they are in Year 3 and Year 6.

I am a Chemical and Process Engineer by training but I’ve been mainly acting as a Project Manager in the industrial manufacturing sector for the last 15 years. I am now a Team Lead for a small locally based engineering consultancy which focusses on assisting NZ businesses to measure and reduce their environmental footprint.

I’m motivated to join the MPS Board of Trustees to use some of my skills and experience to give back a little to the community that I live in and to further my governance experience.