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Te Kura o Paeraki - Mt Pleasant School

Nordy Words

Chris Nord - December 16, 2020

Kia ora koutou... I want to thank all those who attended our end of year celebration on Monday. It was an uplifting way to end our school year.... and was lots of fun. In this final message, I share my final thoughts that I will give the Year 8s at tonight's graduation dinner as well as sharing our staff Whakanui item video.

Staff Whakanui Item - Beat-it

Following a huge number of requests for the staff video we showed at our Whakanui | Prizegiving on Monday afternoon, we have agreed to share this here. We only ask that you PLEASE DO NOT post this on any social media platforms. Thank you for all positive feedback & for your support over 2020.

MPS Staff Beat it Māhuri Collective

A Final Message to Our Year 8s

I thought I would share my message I will give to our Year 8s at tonight's graduation dinner. 

"Listen to your heart and continue to strive for the things that you desire. Do not think small - think of the BIG things you’d like to accomplish. Dream big, think big, be big!

My hope for each and every one of you is that as you go forth on your adventures in life, remember to smile and be kind. Remember who you are and where you’re from. Be your best always.

You have all managed to overcome adversity this year. No other Year 8 cohort, in the history of Te Kura o Paeraki has had to adjust and adapt to what you experienced during your time here. That makes you stronger to take on the challenges the world will throw at you.

E huri tō aro-aro ki te rā, tukana tō ata-arangi ki muri i a koe - turn and face the sun and let your shadow fall behind you. Kia kaha, kia maia… be strong, be brave… we will miss you all".

Finally, I wish everyone an enjoyable holiday break…. a prosperous new year filled with fun, laughter and good health… and let’s be safe out there. Have an awesome holiday break with your whānau and friends.

Tena koutou… Tena koutou …. Tena tatou katoa.

Chris Nord


Whakanui Jump Jammers Māhuri Collective