Sue Ashworth — Sep 14, 2016

A big thank you for your support of our early closure this week. Staff are working really hard and the extra time has proved invaluable. 

My apologies for having to postpone our parent meetings on Thursday this week due to ill health. However, we have rescheduled for Thursday 20th October at 7pm. We’re going to make this a very “hands on” session so you can experience what your children are experiencing … we look forward to seeing you there!

Chris and I attended the New Zealand International Baccalaureate Network Meeting in Auckland on Monday 29th August, and enjoyed a superb range of professional development sessions. It was also great to liaise with other IB schools, as there are several in the North island but only one other here in Christchurch. We were fortunate to have two of the IB Leaders from Singapore attending and they brought us up to date with reviews currently taking place in the PYP.

On Thursday 1st September, Monita from Singapore spent the afternoon here at Mt Pleasant School chatting to us and walking through the classrooms and then ran a wonderful professional development session on maths for our staff. We very much appreciated this personal visit.

A big thank you for your support of our early closure this week. Staff are working really hard and the extra time has proved invaluable.

Big thanks too, to the teams for sharing their amazing PYP inquiries in the newsletters…I hope you are enjoying finding out what the children are inquiring into. Do follow up the discussion at home.

Rooms 12 and 13 (years 7/8) have had their big PYP Exhibition Launch, and we’re looking forward to working alongside them on their inquiries, due to be completed in early November.

What is the PYP Exhibition?