Hero photograph

Motocross Magic

Ground Control —

On the weekend of 3/4 September Leo (8) & Mahé (10) competed at the Canterbury Super Mini Motocross Champs in Leeston.

Leo placed an awesome 12th in his grade - check out what he had to say about it:

"It's hot.  It's dusty.  But boy is it exciting!" says Leo.

Asked if he gets nervous - that would be a resounding NO! Except maybe just before the gates drop at the start.

Leo has been racing for about a year and a half on tracks across the South Island - Darfield, Cromwell, Kaiapoi, Waipara, Ashburton, Pleasant Point & Leeston (that he can remember).  His favourite track is the one in Leeston because you have to jump over a buried shipping container.  

Leo's highlight of the weekend: 

Sending the jump over the back - it's about the size of the library... maybe even the school hall!

Leo's brother Mahé is also a bit of a pro on his bike, and he placed 15th in his grade.

Great job Leo & Mahé!!