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MPS Swimming Sports 2018
Video by Maeve M-M

MPS Senior Swimming Sports 2018

Jeremy Griffiths —

This year we moved away from the usual Sumner School Pool and instead held our Swimming Sports at the new venue of the Norman Kirk Memorial Pool - more commonly known as the Lyttelton Pool.

The event began with breaststroke, moved onto backstroke and then followed by freestyle. Unfortunately, we were forced to hold the challenging butterfly and whole of house relays back at school as time simply got away on us.

At the end of the day the honours this time around went in favour of Cannon House on 3250pts!  The leaderboard is as follows:

  • Cannon House on 3250pts
  • Hornbrook House on 3175pts
  •  Morten House on 2700pts
  • Thomas House on 1950pts

Overall, it was a great event and from the feedback received, the new venue proved rather popular. I was particularly pleased to see plenty of enthusiasm, commitment as well as many students challenging themselves to take a risk as they took part in various events.

Congratulations to those who have successfully progressed through to represent Mt Pleasant School at the next level of competition – the SE Zone Swimming Champs, which are to be held on Friday 16 March (Week 7) at Jellie Park. There will be meetings leading up to this event, so stay tuned. Good luck and go well!

Thank you also to the wonderful teachers and parents who kindly helped out on the day and those who supported poolside.