Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Luton

Student Attendance

Daniel Wilson —

Student attendance is a national and Nayland College priority in 2023.

The government has advised schools that improving student attendance is a high priority for 2023. We have been set school targets and will have to report on these. 

Nayland College will be tightening our attendance expectations of students this year. We ask that parents and whānau assist us in this process by reinforcing school expectations at home. 

Students who are truant from class (or have developing patterns of unjustified attendance) may have to catch up on work missed, have school privileges revoked (such as Y13 lunch passes), and/or be called into a meeting with their parents to put an attendance plan in place. 

Students over the age of 16 that do not have a legitimate reason to be absent from school will be supported into other educational or work opportunities. 

Our Student Attendance Policy can be found on SchoolDocs and is currently under review this term. 

We look forward to improving attendance rates in 2023 as we know that attendance is the biggest factor in achievement at school.