Daniel Wilson — Apr 17, 2020

What does Level 3 look like for Nayland College?

Dear parents/caregivers

Yesterday our Prime Minister talked about what Alert Level 3 will look like in relation to work, recreation, travel and education.

I am now putting together some scenarios as to what return to school looks like for Nayland College. The factors I will be carefully considering are those that the Prime Minister made clear must remain in place at Level 3 and the general advice given to schools at this point in time. I also need to consider the challenge of providing learning for some students in-person and others online, and the equity of how that situation is managed.

Before we make any final decisions I will be listening to advice from the Ministry of Education and opinions from the New Zealand Secondary Principals Association and our local Principals Association, as well as consulting with our Leadership Team and Board of Trustees.  What I can tell you is that under Alert Level 3, if your children can remain learning at home, then they should stay at home. Year 9 and 10 schooling for the children of essential and safe workers will look very different than 'normal' school and is more likely to resemble supervised study.

We won't know until Monday when we will move from Level 4 to Level 3, so while I am considering options, no firm plans will be put in place until after this date. Please expect to receive a survey from me early next week.

We have tried to make this a 'normal' newsletter and I would like to thank Duncan McKinley and the Student Reporters who have gone to great efforts to ensure we have some stories to share today.  We do apologise if they are now slightly out of date, however we have student and staff profiles, student achievements, alumni achievements and class stories to share today.  Hopefully these will help keep you entertained in your bubbles!

Ngā mihi nui

Daniel Wilson