Daniel Wilson — May 13, 2020

Adjusting to our new normal.

Dear parents/caregivers

Staff have been working hard over the past two days getting the school grounds, classrooms and learning programmes ready to resume school under Covid Alert Level 2 next week. Please read the following message carefully as there has been some more information added recently:

Return to school

Monday 18 May
Year 11-13 students return for a special six period day.  Please report to tutor class at 8.50am. Junior students that have been attending under Alert Level 3 are able to continue their distance learning in the library.

Tuesday 19 May
All students return to school.  Please report to tutor class at 8.50am.

Increased hygiene practices

The following practices must be adhered to by staff and students:

Bus Services

Please read this message carefully if your child uses a commercial bus service to attend school. You will need to register your child before they can use the bus services at Alert Level 2.


We are advised by the Ministry of Education that it is now safe for students to return to school.  However, we are aware that some students may be concerned that they fit into the 'vulnerable' category for Covid-19. If you are unsure of whether your child should be attending school, our advice is for you to contact your family doctor for guidance.

If you do make the decision to continue self-isolation, please ensure you email away@nayland.school.nz with the following information: 

Our school nurse will work with families and where possible our intention is to dispel concerns in order for the child to return to school.


If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school. Please email away@nayland.school.nz or phone the school on 03 547 9769 and press '1' to leave a message on our attendance line. 

Leaving school grounds


If you were issued with a Nayland College laptop or have received a laptop from the Ministry of Education, this should have now been returned. Failure to return the device to the library by Friday 22 May may result in you being charged for this item. We do need these devices for our classrooms so would appreciate your support in assisting us to recover these.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all back at school in perfect uniform next week.

Daniel Wilson