Hero photograph
Mrs Nicholas and Mr Robinson get into St Patrick's Day spirit.
Photo by Cushla Laufkotter - Teacher of Technology

Gourmet greens for St Patrick's Day

Kathy Sherwood - Deputy Principal / Food Critic —

When it was announced in staff briefing last Monday that the hospitality department would be serving green food on Friday to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, my thoughts turned to broccoli, spinach, peas, beans, kale and capsicums. An extremely healthy-sounding lunch, I thought, but not overly inspiring.

However, the hospitality staff and students were clearly not constrained by a limited imagination such as mine. For the main course I was served gnocchi, complete with delicious fresh pesto made from the magnificent basil plant that had been growing in their kitchen the previous day. This was complemented with crumbled feta, cherry tomatoes and topped with rocket. It was a perfect combination of flavours and so satisfying that I was able to keep half for lunch the next day.

Then, unbelievably, there was an array of green dessert items to follow. Green shortbread in the shape of a shamrock and piped with a “Happy St Patrick’s Day” message, a very light, cream-filled sponge roll embedded with green shamrocks, and chocolate cupcakes piped with vibrant green butter cream and topped with a beautifully formed chocolate shamrock were displayed on cake stands in the manner of a high tea. Needless to say, when confronted with such a selection I was unable to decide, so was sent away with one of each item, thus making me very popular when I arrived home with them on Friday evening!

The final part of the picture was being served by teachers Michaela Nicholas and Matt Robinson, both totally in theme dressed in outrageous, bright green costumes. This combination of having fun while learning has to be a winner! I congratulate both them and their students and would highly recommend their next offering to everyone.

Reviewed by Deputy Principal and food critic Kathy Sherwood