Hero photograph
Photo by Trish Gargiulo - Teacher

Probability and prediction

Trish Gargiulo - Learning Centre Teacher —

Learning Centre students have been exploring the concepts of probability and prediction

"I try to link learning into the students future knowledge/skills as adults as they are generally become more motivated to learn!

Initially the students were not confident to predict length, weight etc. so we used simple examples e.g. the length of a foot and the class calculator.  

Once they started guessing and received feedback they become confident to predict on anything that was suggested!

In groups students measured the objects and then graphed the results on the whiteboard. The diagram on the board (pictured above) is a students' factory' that produces a uniform colour and number of lollies in a packet.  

It was exciting to see the students interest, abilities and willingness to become engaged in their learning ."

Trish Gargiulo
Teacher - Learning Support Centre