Hero photograph
Year 13 Students collaborating on a study guide for their upcoming english exam.
Photo by Corrin Vedder

Collaboration and communication using BYOD technology

the Blended Learning Team —

As Nayland College moves towards fully integrating BYOD into Years 9 and 11 in 2020, each newsletter we will be profiling how our staff and students are using this technology to further their learning. This week we check in with Ms Vedder and her Year 13 English class.

In this lesson Year 13 English created an interactive resource on the auteur style of director Guillermo del Toro. They have been studying his directorial style in preparation for their external and scholarship exams.

Collaborating as a class and in pairs, they used the digital platforms Padlet and Genially to put together the resource for everyone to access.  They decided as a class which aspects of film-making would be most useful to focus on for their fellow students and divided them up. 

They worked in pairs with a device to student ratio of 1:2 to create an interactive resource on their chosen aspect. This ratio fostered cooperative learning and developed their communication skills. By having to figure out how to use the new platforms together, they were also developing their digital problem-solving skills. The intended end product will be an interactive study resource which the whole class can access.

 For further information about BYOD in Year 9 and 11 in 2020, go to: https://nayland.school.nz/curriculum/byod/