Nayland College Official — Jul 29, 2021

ID cards were printed earlier this year for Year 9 and Year 11 students, with the $10 charge added to student accounts. Once paid, the ID can be collected from the Nayland College Business Centre. ID cards are photo ID and they include $5 school printing credit.

These cards double as photocopy/printing cards and can also be used for discounts as student ID (e.g. movie/bus tickets etc).  They use new RFID 'touch free' technology and over time may be utilised for other functions around the school.

The cards cost $10.00 each, which includes $5.00 worth of photocopying/printing.  

As Nayland College has to purchase all cards the charge has been pre-loaded to each Year 9 and Year 11 student account. This also applies to any student new to Nayland in 2021 at any year level. The cards will be released to students once the $10.00 has been paid.

The charge for any cards that have not been purchased will be reversed and removed from student accounts at the end of the year. Alternatively you can contact our Business Centre in advance to request that these charges be removed if you do not wish to purchase a student ID card.