Nayland College Official — Mar 20, 2020

Unfortunately the Year 9 Whakatū Marae visit later this term has been postponed, however students have been doing some engaging and challenging activities in preparation for this event.

Ko Wai Tātou is our term one module for all Year 9 students that focuses on helping them adapt to college life and build foundational skills for learning. We take a place responsive approach in Ko Wai Tātou and students explore aspects of local regional stories, places and contexts. Completion of this module is celebrated with a powhiri (welcoming ceremony) at Whakatū Marae and wero (challenge) at Founders Park towards the end of term.

In preparation for the marae visit, classes have been doing some engaging and challenging learning activities. For example, 9D1 have made models of Kākāti (the whare tupuna) at Whakatū Marae through measurement in Mathematics. They have also been learning about the history, connections and stories of Whakatū Marae and the whakairo/carvings. 

Due to Covid 19 restrictions we have had to postpone both the powhiri and wero that was planned for 1st and 2nd April. We are aiming to hold this event in term three, or once the restrictions are no longer in place.