Jane Townsend - Deputy Principal — Aug 30, 2019

In July the Year 9 Institute of Sport (IOS) class travelled to Auckland for their high performance camp. Highlights of the camp included training and staying at the Millennium Centre in Auckland.

Students had the opportunity to participate in a physiology lab and were fortunate to meet Richie Pattison and hear about his sporting successes and the challenges he has overcome during his sporting career.

The students then spent some time on Muriwai beach before spending an afternoon at Adrenalin Forest.  The following morning was spent at Woodhill Forest on the mountain bike trails.

We have also had sporting legend Barbara Kendall run sessions for our IOS students and parents.  Barbara is an inspirational speaker who relates well to students and to whanau, as a parent herself.

We also had Hayden Thomas from Equilibrium Advanced Chiropractic and Wellness Solutions present on the effects of "Tech Neck and Ihunch".  Equilibrium and Sport NZ are sponsors of our IOS programme.

Yesterday our 10 Active Pedagogies class competed in a class Rogaine on Moturoa / Rabbit Island.  The class have been working on their Rogaine strategies in both Physical Education and Mathematics.  The level of improvement from Term two was very impressive.  The winning team of Archie Hunter, George Straker and Seth Buckley completed the course in forty minutes.

The event concluded with a BBQ and a prize-giving, with the prizes donated by Rod Dixon Kids' Marathon.