Hero photograph
Photo by Gaye Bloomfield

Limited loan laptops available

Rowan Taigel, Deputy Principal —

Welcome back to school for 2022! 

Nayland College is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) school. This enables teachers to take a “blended” approach to learning programmes by using the best tool for the job at any given moment, meaning that we can use a mixture of digital / online activities and resources alongside more traditional pen and paper. 

Please ensure students bring their digital learning device to school each day. Considering the current climate with COVID 19, it would be prudent to make sure students are ready to continue learning online from home if they need to isolate. 

If your child does not currently have access to a digital learning device such as a laptop or chrome book, and you don’t have the ability to purchase one in the near future, we do have a limited supply of laptops available for long-term loan from our school library. Students will need to come to the library, collect a form for caregivers to sign, and return it to the library where they will then be issued with a laptop.