Hero photograph
Photo by Sera King

Pathways Plus gets fruity

Sera King - Teacher of Journalism —

The year 13 Pathways Plus class got their green thumbs out this week as they realised their vision to plant fruit trees outside the hospitality rooms.

The project came about after the class was given the kaupapa to ‘leave something behind as a gift from the current year 13s for future students to enjoy’. It was led by a committee of students - The Legacy Committee - with the support of teacher Jeff Bryant.

Fruit trees weren’t the first idea that was mooted but, after an idea to make an outdoor tennis table was scuppered, the committee brainstormed again and the idea for the fruit trees stuck. “It’s good because the hospitality classes can use them next year,” committee member Jordan Hawkins said.

The planting includes feijoa, apple and lime, lemon and plum trees. For some, it’s been their first experience of tree-planting and landscaping. “I’ve never done it before but now I know how to do it,” Son Nguyen said.

The planting itself has come at the end of a term’s worth of planning. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support and generosity of Waimea Nurseries, who donated the trees.

Teacher Jeff Bryant sees the project as offering an opportunity for those who got involved to refine their teamwork and communication skills which have been a key focus of the course all year. He’s hopeful that the students who benefit will respect and value the trees and the fruit that they provide. “Some families in Nelson go hungry everyday. No one should take food for granted,” he said.