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Photo by Nelson Yacht Club

Nelson Yacht Club - Steering the Course

Nelson Yacht Club —

Steering the Course is a global festival of women's sailing and we'll be hosting an event a Nelson Yacht Club as part of the Southern Hemisphere portion on Saturday 2nd October!

Be part of a global festival of women’s sailing at Nelson Yacht Club – Join us on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd October!

Suitable for complete beginners through to competent sailors, it will all be about getting on the water together and celebrating women’s sailing.

The format will incorporate a mixture of joyrides and taster sessions, free-sailing and racing. Club boats and NBYTRA 420s will be available, and we'll be aiming to pair up experienced skippers with inexperienced crews to get everyone on the water! There'll be food and drinks afterwards, so to help with catering plans we're asking for registrations here: https://www.nelsonyachtclub.org.nz/steering-the-course/

If you're a female sailor or wannabe sailor and are keen to get involved either on or off the water, please contact Justin at vc@nelsonyachtclub.org.nz

Women & Girls sailing will be a particular focus for us this season. Sailing is an exceptional sport in that women and men often compete directly against each other.

In our youth sailing school programmes we've seen a male/female split of around 60/40 for a number of years. However, a more 80/20 split in regular club sailors suggests a significant drop-off as our young female sailors become adults or start to sail competitively. Let's change this!

Find out more about the global festival through this article on the World Sailing website:
