Hero photograph
Level 2 Business Studies representatives with the staff at Women's Refuge Nelson
Photo by Sarah Luton

Women's Refuge blown away by support

Sarah Luton —

Last week representatives of the various Level 2 Business Studies groups collectively made a significant donation to the staff at Women's Refuge.

Throughout the year Level 2 Business Studies groups have been hard at work coming up with business plans, marketing their products and selling delicious treats such as bagels, brownies, sushi and cinnamon rolls to staff and students at lunchtimes and intervals. Recently the groups got together to pool their profits and to decide on a worthy recipient. The students unanimously decided to gift their earnings, and in some cases even their seed money, to Women's Refuge. 

Mr King phoned Women's Refuge to let them know that the students would like to hand over a donation but he kept quiet about the amount. Women's Refuge welcomed the students to their building with a powhiri and waiata. They then went around the room introducing themselves and explaining their various roles in how they contribute towards helping women find the support they need. 

Level 2 Business Studies students gift Women's Refuge with their combined profits — Image by: Sarah Luton

Finally it was time to hand over an envelope filled with cash. When they were told the donation came to $2750 there was a collective gasp as the staff were completely blown away. They said they don't often get chosen to receive donations from student groups and they were amazed and deeply touched.

There was time for plenty of questions and the students were able to share about their various businesses. One in particular has found selling bagels to be so successful that they're planning to continue beyond this year and are exploring the possibility of selling through local supermarkets.

Well done to each and every student who contributed to making a difference to the lives of many women through the valued work done by Women's Refuge.