Hero photograph
Marathon event at Top of the South Tour Speed Skating Competition
Photo by Natasha van der Kallen

Students continue their success at the Top of the South Tour Speed Skating competition

Nayland College Official —

Holly Ward, Zena Denton and Luke Denton participated in the Top of the South Tour Speed Skating 3-day competition which was held in Blenheim near the beginning of June.

The competition event for day one was held outdoors at the bank track and then progressed to the athletic track. The second day was held at the ASB indoor skating stadium, which is where the skaters really excelled. Holly Ward gained a 2nd and Zena & Luke Denton both gained a 6th for the two day event.

The third day was the marathon event and competing in this was an achievement in itself, as it was the girls first skating marathon.  However, the weather conditions were not ideal, with heavy rain, winds and cold temperatures.  This meant they had to be extra careful on the slippery tar seal.  Holly and Zena can be suitably proud of their efforts as they both ended up placing in the event, with Holly achieving a 2nd and Zena a 3rd.

Thanks to Natasha van der Kallen for supplying the update on our committed speed skating students!