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13 reasons to talk to your child

District Health Board —

13 Reasons Why is not the only challenging series young people are watching, but it is one of the most talked about.

You may recall the public discussion generated by the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why last year.

Season two will be released worldwide on Friday 18 May. This show was widely watched by teenagers last year. Themes of suicide, sexual assault, consent, bullying and other issues made some viewers feel distressed and in need of support. Similar and equally confronting themes will be present in season two.

In the lead-up to the release, some young people may re-watch the first season, or watch it for the first time. Young people feel the show represents the issues they face. Banning, or recommending a ban on viewing it can be harmful as young people will still watch it but feel they have to hide that from adults.

It is worth noting that the first seven episodes are more careful – with the very disturbing content ‘ramping up’ in the final 6 episodes. This presents a risk that parents may watch a few at the beginning of the season and then switch off, thinking it’s not a big deal. 

The issues raised in the series are significant, and offer a good opportunity to talk to our young people about these difficult life events - but it is important that those conversations are safe ones. 

We are working with other agencies to ensure information is available to support, and encourage, safe conversations between young people and their parents, or another trusted adult, if they view this series.

Some of this information is already available on the resource hub on the Mental Health Foundation website. Additional support material will be added to this hub prior to 18 May.

The Office of Film and Literature Classification has released a guide for parents: Talking with young people about what they’re watching

If you, or parents or whanau, are concerned about a young person, please reach out for help. The Mental Health Foundation have a list of contacts, or phone the Mental Health Crisis Team on 0508 432 432. 

Support is also available from a trained counsellor anytime by calling or texting 1737.