Important dates coming up
Please take note of some key dates over the next few weeks including a Staff Only Day on Friday 19 August and school closing early on Friday 12 August.
Wednesday 10 August: Subject Selection Evening
- 5:30-7:30pm in Block 2
- NCEA info session 5:30-6:00pm in the hall
Friday 12 August: Nayland Experience Day
- 12:30pm - 2:45pm for current Year 8 students
- School closes at 1pm for all Nayland College students
Wednesday 17 August: Institute of Sport Information Evening
- 7:00-8:00pm in GT1 (gymnasium classroom)
Friday 19 August: NCEA Review Staff Only Day
- School closed for all students
- Please note, this is a revised date. There is no additional Staff Only Day on Monday 22 August.
Friday 2 September: Stoke-Tāhunanui Kāhui Ako Staff Only Day
- School closed for all students