Hero photograph
Photo by Reminder

Achievement Conferences - Thursday 10 May & Friday 18 May - reminder to book your appointment.

Nayland College —

Thank you to those who have already booked an appointment with your child’s Tutor Teacher for an Achievement Conference. For those who are yet to do so, please find attached the Principal’s explanatory letter and a copy of the instructions for online booking.

Please remember that school will close at 12:30pm on Thursday 10th May and that there will be no classes on Friday 18th May to accommodate the conferences.

There has been some feedback that the link sent in one of the reminder emails is faulty.  To access the school interview website go to : www.schoolinterviews.co.nz.  Click on 'Make a Booking' (top right-hand corner) then enter the code m4s9c.

Instructions are attached below.