Hero photograph
Staff and parents gathered to celebrate the end of year at the LSC family day.
Photo by Duncan McKinlay

Family Day provides a fantastic end of year celebration for LSC students

Duncan McKinlay —

Students at the Learning Support Center provided an awesome morning of entertainment for their families, teachers and other staff members as part of their "Family Day" celebration.

Students put on plays, musical performances and stand up comedy to an audience of their peers, parents, tutors, teachers and members of SLT.

Highlights included musical performances by Reuben Salmond, some fantastic acting by Sadie Harris and some hilarious jokes told by Blade Hewlett.

Afterwards, a delicious lunch was shared by all.

Congratulations to our wonderful LSC students and their support staff for putting on such a fantastic morning for us.

Blade Hewlett's wonderful comedic performance was a highlight of the morning. — Image by: Duncan McKinlay