Gavin Millar - International Director — Nov 16, 2017

During the last two weeks the international students from Nayland College have volunteered their time in our community

While everyone else is sitting National Examinations a group of 40 international students who are not sitting exams have the opportunity to participate in three weeks of local activities and adventures.

During these weeks the students also have the opportunity to give back to the community that has supported them during their time at Nayland College.  

24 international students, with the help of Nelmac, planted trees along the banks of the Orchard Stream. A project that will support the ecosystem of the area and last a life.

During an international students time here at Nayland College, Tahuna Beach becomes and integral part of their life. To help give a little back to the community and the area, 40 students walked the length of the beach and surrounds parks, collecting rubbish. An amazing 10 bags were collected in an hour and half of rummaging.  The BBQ at the end was a nice reward for the hard work!