Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Hawkes

Forestry Careers Day Out

Andrea Hawkes —

Career pathways in Forestry were explored on a day out at a working skid site and silviculture site

Joining other schools at Wakefield, we travelled by bus many kilometers up a forestry road to view a working skid site and see mechanical logging in action on a very steep hillside. 

Students were able to talk to the forestry contractors and machinery operators to discuss career opportunities and what their jobs entail.  Staff from One Forty One shared their personal career paths into forestry operations and management, while students learnt about university pathways and work options to get into the industry. 

We then drove to a silviculture site where planting teams were working in valleys and in remote locations.  Students were able to speak to planting contractors and learn about job opportunities while having a go planting trees to the depth and spacing specifications that commercial planting requires.

Thank you to Nelson Regional Development Agency and One Forty One, and their contractors, who made this forestry day out possible.